Performance evaluation
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Systematic, well-built and good quality feedback is very important both for the employee and the employer. Employers can make employees develop and achieve a better performance by building an efficient feedback system which is useful for managers. For employees it is an especially important motivational factor if they see that their work is appreciated, their views – and their occasional problems – are heard and if they are supported in their development as well as reaching their goals.
Formal performance evaluation is an important element of an efficient feedback system, when a manager or an internal/external consultant discuss their behavior and performance with colleagues in detail and in an objective way. Success of these kinds of discussions depends on the satisfaction of both parties, so it is important to take time, prepare for it and set up two-way communication with evaluating the past and planning for the future. Good quality feedback is not just about positive reinforcements and critics, but proper communication, a supporting and constructive atmosphere.
Since giving a quality feedback is not easy, it is important how we build it up, in what system we use or which tools we choose. A proper and stable evaluating system helps colleagues understand the requirements of the organization and makes adaptation easier and also plays an important role in development.
CAPTain Competency Test with the expertise of our consultants can help in forming an efficient performance evaluating system fitted to the organizational requirements of our customers. CAPTain Tests make it possible to measure competencies objectively and different types of reports can support managers and leader in giving feedback. Our consultants are happy to help in analysing group results and setting up new further developmental methods.