Carreer counselling, preparing for interviews
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Counselling and preparing for interviews for jobseekers
We can help our customers in carreer planning and in job changing periods with our consultans’ wide range of experience in all parts of selection.
By using CAPTain Tests and getting a coaching style feedback from our consultants, jobseekers are able to explore their own competencies and potentials and it can help them become more aware of their needs, rescources and areas to develop fitted to their carreer goals. We also prepare them for interviews.
Finding the proper job becomes easier this way since the person can step into the selection process with better self-awareness and more confidence.
Counselling for the freshly graduated
Although more and more higher education institutions recognise the important role of carreer counseling, most freshly graduated are not sure where to start in labour market.
In counselling for the freshly graduated, our consultants give a coaching style feedback interview and help them to explore their own competencies. Identifying strengths and areas to develop are also part of the counselling fitted to the carreer goals. It makes the participant able to find the proper job easier, since he/she can step into the selecting process with a better self-awareness and more confidence. Our consultants are also able to help you in arising questions and problems about job search from application to interviews.

Counselling for the freshly graduated
Although more and more higher education institution recognises the important role of carreer counseling, most freshly graduated are not sure where to start in labour market.
In counselling for the freshly graduated, our consultants give a coaching style feedback interview and help them explore their own competencies. Identifying strengths and areas to develop is also part of the counselling fitted to the carreer goals. It makes the participant able to find the proper job easier, since he/she can step into the selection process with better self-awareness and more confidence. Our consultants are also able to help you in raising questions and problems about the job search from application to interviews.