CAPTain Coaching

CAPTain Analysis is a test based on the disciplines of work psychology and scientific research, which effectively predicts how an individual will react and behave in certain workplace situations, as well as the extent to which the test subject’s personal needs, wants and motivations are compatible with the expectations of the job and the organizational culture
The CAPTain Coaching report is a complementary report package that effectively supports the development process. The report could be used by anyone, even if you are not familiar with the Captain competency system as an expert. It primarily supports the work of consultants, coaches and HR professionals, but can also help managers/leaders and be used for self-improvement.
What is included in the CAPTain Coaching report?
The results notebook contains a description of the factors in which the candidate’s values are considered outstanding or risky, or deviate from the ideal values expected in the position, i.e which are definitely worth investigating during the development discussion.
For each emerging factor, the report package contains competence-based questions and situations to consider, which will help to further develop the test result during coaching. An additional benefit of the package is that it displays the differences between the self-image and the test result, i.e., the gaps in self-knowledge that can be worked on effectively during development.
The report concludes with a development plan in which the respondent can summarize the strengths and areas for improvement identified during the process.
Available versions of the report:
- leader(team leader, middle manager, senior manager, sales manager, project manager, etc.)
- sales (B2B sales, consulting sales, consulting, etc.)
- employee (administrative work, programmer, financial analyst, HR staff, auditor, customer service, etc.)
- graduate
- any job expectations specified by the client.