CAPTain Motivational Test

The aim of the CAPTain Motivational Test is to explore the persons’ individual motives driving his/her decisions and behavior at work consciously or unconsciously. The questionnaire consists of 70 workplace relevant statements about personal preferencies and desires.

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What does it measure?

The test describes the person along 14 work related motivational factors. These factors describe the persons’ motivational structrue – the most important topics about his/her work, workplace behavior, attitudes and carreer. Based on his/her personal structure we can easily indentify the tools with which we can motivate the person and also find the career path suitable for him/her.

The report

The report graphically visualizes the strength of the person’s motivational factors, after which the detailed description section explains the exact meaning of the factors and their importance for the person. The report also contains potential interview questions about the most and less important motivational factors of the given person.